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Commercial and Transaction Advisory

Commercial relationships, like all relationships, are about trust. At Lake Advisory, we aim to find commercial solutions - be they procurement models, financing arrangements, performance frameworks, cost models or other deals - that support the best outcomes for our clients.

Our approach to delivering actionable advice starts with understanding the aims of your organisations and the services that are going to be delivered from the project. Whether we are looking at social housing, health services, justice centres, aged care, civic services or transport we understand the importance of getting the commercial strategy and execution right.

Transaction Advisory and Management

Drawing on our collective experience in developing transaction strategies, documentation and parties we deliver high-quality transaction services, aligned to your specific business requirements to achieve the maximum value from all parties involved. Our expertise ranges from setting up financing deals, service delivery integration, negotiating and delivering across industry standard delivery models.

Procurement Advisory

We understand that there are various avenues for procurement and that each projects comes with its own requirements that must be considered before any approach to market. Whether it's as part of a business case or a discrete decision making process ensuring the correct market approach can make the difference when measuring value for money from the project. With experience in delivering successful procurement outcomes across a range of sectors we can deliver effective advisory services to advance your project.

Contract Management

Key to executing a successful infrastructure project through delivery and operations is ensuring the contract risk allocations remain as set-out at execution. Our team understands the impact of small variations to contract processes and has worked with organisations to develop robust contract management frameworks to continually improve service performance whilst balancing value for money from assurance activities.

Commercial and Financial Reviews

An important part of evaluating project success, an ongoing viability, is to take stock of the commercial and financial outcomes during operations. Our team has delivered post-operations reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the project against either the investment case or the business aims. We combine this with our expertise in delivering service reviews to ensure that we understand the drivers for commercial and financial outcomes. This has led our team to being able to provide recommendations across the asset and service delivery lines to ensure value for money delivery.

Business Case Development

Across asset investment, social infrastructure redevelopment or service delivery structures our team has delivered successful business cases. There are multiple options when approaching projects and we work in partnership with our clients to ensure that the investment logic of any change is aligned to their goals and can be delivered effectively to assist in building flourishing communities. Our experience across whole of project lifecycle combines to present in a single succinct investment case, aligned to Government funding requirements as necessary, to support decision making processes.

Bid Strategy and Development

Having experience across both sides of the table our team has been able to deliver successful tenders to clients that considers the needs of the procurer and heroes our clients competitive edge. We work closely with our clients to develop win themes and strategies before leveraging available information into required response schedules. Our cross service  offering allows our team to add value in developing operational and financial models that support bid development along with integrating into our clients team to deliver seamless and compelling response narratives.

Financial Modelling

To support clients across a range of commercial areas we have successfully developed financial models to support decision  making processes. Whether its through a business case, bid response or operational review we have undertaken comprehensive models to demonstrate financial viability of services and return on our client investments into projects.

Ready to learn more?

Reach out today to discuss how we can help you

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